Child Care Food Program
from Central Child Care of WV, Inc.

Helping You Keep the Children in Your Care Healthy
Central Child Care of WV, Inc. knows how hard it can be to make sure that the children who depend on you are happy and healthy. There are so many things that you have to keep track of every day to keep business running smoothly. The child food program sponsored by Central Child Care of WV, Inc. can help put nutritious food on your day care’s table by reimbursing you up to $8.89 per child, per day.
The child food program is designed to help child care providers serve nutritious, well-balanced meals and snacks to children in their care. Our goal is to help children grow healthy and strong, and to help them establish healthy, lifelong eating habits.

What Is Central Child Care of WV’s Child Care Food Program?
The child care food program sponsored by Central Child Care of WV, Inc. is a way to receive reimbursement via check for some of the cost of feeding children healthy meals and snacks. Central Child Care of WV, Inc. is a non-profit organization that works with the USDA’s Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). We work with the West Virginia Department of Education Office of Child Nutrition, as well as child care providers throughout West Virginia, including Boone County, Clay County, Fayette County, Kanawha County, Nicholas County, and the surrounding areas. This federal child care program is perfect for providers who are starting a small business in their home, or for grandparents, family members, or friends who care for children at no cost. In addition to food reimbursements, the child care food program from Central Child Care provides access to nutrition information, training, and support. Call Central Child Care of WV, Inc. at (681) 217-1856 to learn more.
What Are the Guidelines for Receiving Food Reimbursement?
In order to receive food reimbursement from Central Child Care of WV, Inc., it is important that you follow these guidelines laid out by the child care food program:
1. Plan, prepare, and serve meals and snacks that meet the USDA and Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) guidelines.
2. Keep accurate and up-to-date written or digital attendance records and daily meal counts on the menus we provide.
Are You Eligible?
If you are providing full-time or part-time child care to at least one non-resident child under the age of 13 in your West Virginia home, and you are feeding those children, then you are eligible for food reimbursement through Central Child Care of WV, Inc.’s child food program. You do not have to receive payment from your day care, the children’s parents or relatives, Connect, or the State of West Virginia to participate. If you have a certificate from West Virginia Department of Health & Human Resources (DHHR), Central Child Care of WV, Inc. can help you provide nutritious meals for the children in your care. Call us at (681) 217-1856 if you have any questions about how to obtain your DHHR certificate, or if you would like more information about our child care program.
What are the Benefits of the Child Care Food Program?
The benefits of Central Child Care of WV Inc.’s child food program are numerous. We offer you partial reimbursement for food for each child in your care, and more. Some of the additional benefits of our child care program include:
- A monthly tax-free reimbursement check to help cover food costs.
- Nutrition education
- Resources to help plan meals and snacks
- Training
Child care providers may qualify to claim their own children while day care children are present. Central Child Care of WV, Inc.’s child food program is free. We can provide child care providers with any materials that they need at no cost to them.
Our friendly staff can help child care providers along the way with any concerns or questions they may have. Contact us today!
How Much Can You Be Reimbursed?
We base all reimbursements on the number of meals served per child, per day. Central Child Care of WV, Inc. will mail you a food reimbursement check on a monthly basis after receiving your attendance records and menus.
- Breakfast: $1.66
- Lunch $3.15
- Dinner: $3.15
- Snacks: $0.93
You can receive as much as $8.89 per child, per day.
We Offer CACFP (Food Program) Assistance To Child Care Providers In The Following WV Counties
Boone County, WV
Clay County, WV
Fayette County, WV
Kanawha County, WV
Nicholas County, WV
Central Child Care of WV, Inc, is an equal opportunity and sponsor
For more information on the USDA non-discrimination policy